Thursday, 28 February 2013

Pretty Little Liars is getting pretty little interesting

           So far this season of Pretty Little Liars has been anything but pretty. I mean the plot is just dragging on and on and I’m losing my patience. I mean this show is seriously lacking something. The story goes on so many tangents that it’s hard to keep up. Like Caleb finding his biological father, what was the point of that?

But just when I was about to give up hope and permanently remove this show from my TV schedule, the writers pull some next level shit and drag me back in. This week’s episode was one of the best this season, of course that’s not saying much.

Little Ezra may look cute, but he's also super annoying. Trains, really?
Once again we find Aria dealing with Ezra’s baby drama which has seriously increased after Ezra’s baby momma and Little Ezra decide to move to Rosewood after Momma Fitz drop kicked her behind out of her condo. After Aria decides to have some adventures in babysitting- which does not end well – she begins to realize being a teen mom wasn’t in her plan. Oh no, could this be the end of everyone’s favorite teacher-student couple? Mary Kay Laterneau must be so disappointed. First off I don’t really care for this storyline; it’s so random. Do we really care about Ezra’s drama? I guess Ezra and Aria were getting boring now that their relationship is out in the open so the writers needed something to spice it up. I will accept this, for now, only because now Prof. Sexy has more screen time. But can we seriously recast the son. He’s annoying and should really go back to his child-acting class cause whatever he’s selling, I’m not buying.

Hanna and Aria are up to no good; at least they look cute
Over in Hanna land, the Marin women are being haunted by the ghost of Ashley’s fender bender. I’m not even going to comment on her running over Wilden because of the sheer stupidity. Bitch ever heard about going around? She gives women drivers everywhere a bad reputation. After searching for Wilden’s body, Hanna and Ashley believe they are in the clear; that is until Hanna gets a special present in her garage. She sees the tape of her mother’s crime and thinking it’s another threat from A decides to call her bestie Aria and go all “I know What You did Last Summer” by pushing it in the river. So, my guess is by next episode the police somehow discover Hanna’s genius plan. I don’t think these girls think through their plans enough. But on a side note they were looking super cute. If this show has taught us anything it’s that: if you’re going to commit a crime at least make sure you look good.

And now for the real juicy jaw-dropping moment.  After her near-death experience last week, Spencer decides she’s had enough of A’s game and told the girls the truth about Toby. The girls are all in disbelief, especially beautifully naive Emily who makes it her mission to find the missing Toby. You got to love this girl’s ability to be so trusting. You would think after being drugged, kidnapped, and almost murdered she would get with the program. Spencer still believes Mona is messing with her friends and decides to follow her to the woods at night. RED FLAG! Nothing good ever happens in the woods or under the cloak of night. These bitches never learn. After following her in the woods Spencer sees ... are you ready for this ... Toby’s dead body! DUN DUN DUN! Spencer has finally lost it and gets locked up in the crazy bin.

Spencer has finally gone over the deep end
Who saw that coming? Crazy Spencer and Dead Toby. Now I’m going to call it right now, Toby isn’t dead. Spencer didn’t actually see his face so we don’t have concrete proof. I predict it’s Wilden’s dead body that Mona disguised as Toby’s. At this point I wouldn’t be surprised by anything this girl does.

So Sinners what are your thoughts? Has Pretty Little Liars redeemed itself? Do you think Toby is really dead? How annoying is Ezra’s kid?