Tuesday, 24 January 2012

The Host with the Most

People are often drawn to the lure of award shows because of the lavish fashions, the beautiful celebrities, and the performances. But a main aspect of award shows that appeals to the viewers is the host.
The host is the audience’s way into the show and therefore must be witty, playful, and a tad bit outrageous; something that Golden Globes host Ricky Gervais encompassed Sunday night.
This was Gervais’ third time hosting the show and although he was his usual self of wit, many feel he lacked in his hosting duties.

    Ricky Gervais hosting the 2012 Golden Globes
“It wasn’t over the top,” said CBC television developer Nicole Mendes, “he was hardly up there [and] he was hardly speaking.”
After Gervais’ controversial hosting last year, where he offended Charlie Sheen, Mel Gibson, and Johnny Depp, many people were hoping Gervais would continue with his antics.
“I personally wish he went further with steering the audience,” Mendes said.
“I honestly think that last year was one of the better years because he went as far as he did. People need to have a sense of humour with that sort of thing,” she continued.
Aside from people’s criticism Gervais was not short of controversy poking fun at Kim Kardashian, Justin Bieber, and even having a back and forth with Madonna.
Mendes agreed that Gervais was a good host, but there was an expectation for him to outdo last year.
Toronto based singer Treasa Levasseur discussed her experience hosting the Maple Blues Awards on January 16, at Koerner Hall in Toronto.
Levasseur did not watch the Golden Globes so she could not comment on Gervais’ hosting techniques but from her own experience said the most nerve-racking part was “getting the scripts the night before.”

Treasa Levasseur and Shakura S'aida hosting the 15th annual Maple Blues Awards
In order to prepare for the night Levasseur had to choose her own outfits, read over the script, and make cue cards.
Levasseur, who had a co-host that made the night “definitely,” easier, admits that even as a performer she got nervous when she “thought it wasn't going well, and once when [she] missed a cue.”
Despite her moment of nervousness, Levasseur maintains that she “had fun, and got a great response.”
There is an undeniable pressure for hosts to deliver a great show. Gervais’ hosting was not what people expected but he still did a decent job.
The only question that remains is how will Billy Crystal do at hosting the Oscars in February? Both Mendes and Levasseur agree he will do just fine.
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