Tuesday, 11 September 2012

Best Friends for Never: when friendships expire

Why hello there my lovely little sinners. It's been a while, I know, and I am well aware that I haven't delivered on my vow to update this blog more frequently. Shame on me, I deserve a good spanking. But sometimes it's so hard finding the time to write posts when you live such a fabulous life. But have no fear, for this bitch is back with a vegence and ready to tell the internet how it is. Watch your back, because no one is safe!

Recently I've been thinking a lot about life; pondering about my purpose, the person I am, and the people who influence me - pretty deep and intellectual stuff. I've realized that a big part of my life is my friends and family; they are my driving force. They make me laugh so hard I pee my pants, listen to me when I need to rant about the heffer who took my seat on the bus, or give me hope when I'm feeling low. My friends and family are my life, aside from vodka martinis, Hottie Lamaties, and trashy reality TV. But have you ever stopped to think about the people that are no longer in your life. I'm not talking about deceased relatives, but rather the people who used to be your best friends but are now MIA from your life. The girl who you used to call every night and talk about the cute boys at school with, but now you don't even know her phone number. Or the guy who you used to tell all your secrets to but now he doesn't even follow you on Twitter. What happens when you break up with your best friend?

The reason I'm writing about this is because my friend, let's call her Jacklyn, recently "broke up" with her best friend Jessica. Now Jacklyn and Jessica have been friends for 13 years, they survived elementary, high school and half of university together. But over the years Jacklyn and Jessica began to drift apart. They tried to schedule times to meet up and hang out but one of them was always busy and cancel. Finally Jessica had had enough and decided to end the friendship. But instead of just letting the relationship fizzle she had to take it to another level. Jessica broke up with Jacklyn through a text. I'm not going to get into the details of the text my the gist was  that they never really had anything in common and it was time for them to go their separate ways. Needless to say Jacklyn was pissed. I guess she was completely blindsided by the text.

Now sinners, I know what you're thinking, who breaks up with someone through a text? Especially someone who used to be your best friend. I don't get it either. Why not let the relationship have a natural death? Why draw so much attention to the fact that you two are no longer friends?

I've personally had my fair share of friendship-break-ups (FBU). In high school I used to be best friends with this girl, let's call her Shannon. This girl was honestly my soulmate, my other half, the Romy to my Michelle- or the Jwwow to my Snooki for you non-90s kids. We had a million of inside jokes, gossiped about fugly losers together, and called each other sluts and bitches-which everyone knows is the pinnacle of friendship. But towards the end of high school we began to drift apart. She started hanging out with other people and I never really tried to spend time together. After high school we tried to make the relationship work, but it was time for us to admit defeat. Our friendship was over. But I never sent her a text confirming the FBU. I just let it die organically.That is not to say that we're not friendly. I still get little glimpses of her life from her Twitter and Facebook updates and  mutual friends. But we're not, and probably never will be as close as we were before.

Personally I think the whole FBU text idea is stupid. If a friendship is dying let it be. Either fight to make the relationship work or move on. Who needs to have the added drama of making the FBU official? Trust me when a FBU occurs the parties involved will know. FBUs are very different from real break-ups. When you break-up with your partner you want to be done. No one truly wants to end a friendship. That being said there are plenty of reasons to end friendships. Like if your best friend hooks-up with the guy you like, then by all means send that hoe an angry FBU text, better yet egg that skank's house. But if you know that you and your friend are drifting apart then just leave it alone. If it's meant to be then it will happen, I know that's cliched advice but it's true.

And for you people on the recieving end of a FBU text, don't worry your pretty little head. I'm sure you're much better without you ex-best friend. There are times when I still think about Shannon. I still care about her and wish her all the best. Remember, in the TV show of your life some people are just guest stars. Focus your time and energy on your main cast members, because they're the ones that really matter.

Stay Sinful,


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