Wednesday, 21 September 2011

Summer Dreams Ripped at the Seams

If the rapid decline in the weather, crisp leaves scattered around, and the hours of readings and pending assignments weren't obvious enough, let me bluntly say: summer is dunzo. That's right, as much as it pains me to admit it September 23 is the first day of Autumn. And as much as I love fall fashion, Thanksgiving turkey, and apple picking, I'm still going to miss those lazy summer days lounging in my backyard reading, sipping my strawberry dacquri, alcoholic of course, as the sun showered me with its golden rays tinting my already brown hue and highlighting my hair. Ahh summer! Let us all take a moment to mourn our summer. But perhaps my mourning of summer has less to do with its end and more to do with my lack of wish fufillment. Summer '11 went by so fast I hardly finished my checklist (if you haven't already go see my checklist). I had so much planned this summer; this was going to be the best summer ever; the last hurray to my youth, but sadly this summer wasn't everything I hoped it be. No I didn't get a tattoo, I didn't go skinny dipping, and unfortunately I didn't have a monumental, earth-shattering, life-changing, love song worthy, epic romance. Now don't get me wrong there were some amazing things I did this summer. I spent as much time possible with my friends, went to 3 concerts, watched a ton of movies (tuesday movie club ftw!), had 3 parties, got crazy wasted (I'd actually like to forget that), chilaxed on the beach, worked, and so much more. But I'm still a little depressed I didn't acomplish everything on my list. But perhaps it was for the better. Life isn't about checking items off a list. It's about all the spontaneous moments, the laugh-out-loud-till-your-insides-hurt moments, the heart-racing palms-sweating moments. My summer checklist was merely guide for what I thought would be the perfect summer, but it was the moments not on my checklist that made this summer truly memorable. So even though I didn't have the summer I wanted or dreamed about, I still had an awesome time. Summer '11 was pretty amazing, I can't wait to see what's in store next year.

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