So I've finally got through a huge chunk of my summer reading list, which primarily consisted of The Hunger Games trilogy, and I must say I thoroughly enjoyed it. It was suspeseful, dramaful, and badass. I honestly couldn't put it down. So for your pleasure sinners, I'm giving my indepth journalistic review of the entire series, and don't worry I wont give away and spoilers- I'm not that bitchy.
So the first novel written by Suzanne Collins is set in a futuristic and some-what apocolyptic world in which North America is divided into 12 districts. Every year each district must sacrafice a male and female aged 12-18 to compete in the Hunger Games- a sadistic reality show type competition where the competitors must kill each other in order to be crowned winner. The novel features protagonist Katniss Everdeen's account of the Games after she is chosen to represent her district.
The first novel was beyond words. The begining, as with any novel was a little slow, only because it was trying to introduce the characters, and futuristic setting. Once the Games actually begin the novel becomes engrossing. Collins has the ability to feature a cliffhanger at the end of each chapter forcing the reader to turn the page and continue reading. I'm not going to say who wins the Games but use your brain, if there's 3 books it's a little obvious who wins, wink wink. The ending of the novel is a little weak, in that it leaves the reader wanting more. Nonetheless it was a great read, you'll fall in love with the awesomeness that is Katniss and her amazing archery skills.
The second book Catching Fire picks up where the second left off. Without giving away major spoilers I'll just say that things get more intense as Katniss' actions not only affect her but the whole nation of Panem. Again the book has a slow beginning, but just like the first one quickly picks up. There is an
ah-mozing twist ending that will leave jaws dropped and minds effed. This may be my favorite book in the series as it introduces new characters, tests friendship, and blows minds.
The final novel in the series, Mockinjay, was lackluster to say the least. Half the novel nothing important and really interesting happens while the other half is just anti-climatic. Like any final installment in a series this novel proves to be the most drastic as Panem is in full out hysteria. It just didn't live up to the other novels. I was just expecting more, especially regarding the climax of the novel. The book wasn't horrible. There are definatly moments when you'll cry, I know I teared up at one point. Overall I thought the novel was okay. Collins did a decent job ending the series that will leave any mockingjay happy.
Despite the under-whelming Mockingjay, I still love the series. It has everything you want in a teen series. It has action packed and often gruesome killings, touching emotionally elements, creative and scary futuristic gadgets and creations, a dramatic love triangle (Team Peeta all the way) and a interesting viewpoint on the good and evil found within humans. But most of all it has Katniss Everdeen. Finally there is a ass kicking heroine that anyone could idolize. She's so much better than that twat Bella Swan. Katniss has the abilty to be a ruthless killer but somehow retain her morals and humaness. And although at times she may get annoying when deciding her feelings for Gale and Peeta, you still can't help but love her.
Take the fantasy elements from Harry Potter, the love triangle from Twilight, and add deathening murders and corrupt governments and you get a series that anyone, regardless of age will enjoy. So got out now and read the series especially before the movie comes out, you don't want to be one of those losers who only reads the book because of the movie.
P.S. does anyone know where you can get one of those mockingjay pins, because you know once the movie comes out everyone will be rocking that shiz.